It takes less than two minutes to register.
Il faut moins de deux minutes pour s'inscrire.
Lleva menos de dos minutos registrarse.
Li pran mwens pase de minit pou anrejistre.
Demora menos de dois minutos.
Are you already registered? Make sure!
Êtes-vous déjà inscrit? Assure-toi!
¿Ya estás registrado? ¡Asegurarse!
Èske ou deja anrejistre? Asire ou ke!
Você já está registrado? Confirme!
Are you unable to vote in person?
Êtes-vous incapable de voter sur place?
¿No puedes votar en el lugar?
Èske ou pa kapab vote sou sit-la?
Não é possível votar no local?
Are you currently overseas/in the military?
Êtes-vous à l'étranger / dans l'armée?
¿Estás en el extranjero / en el ejército?
Èske ou lòt bò dlo / nan militè a?
Você está no exterior / no exército?
Do you know the candidates?
Connaissez-vous les candidats?
¿Conoces a los candidatos?
Èske w konnen kandida yo?
Você conhece os candidatos?
Find your designated polling place here!
Trouvez votre lieu de vote désigné ici!
Encuentra tu lugar de votación aquí!
Jwenn kote biwo vòt ou deziyen isit la!
Encontre o seu local de votação aqui!
Do you know where you stand?
Quelles sont vos convictions politiques?
¿Cuáles son sus creencias políticas?
Ki sa kwayans politik ou ye?
Quais são suas crenças políticas?
Hold your candidates accountable!
Tenez tous les candidats responsables!
¡Haga responsables a todos los candidatos!
Kenbe tout kandida responsab!
Mantenha todos os candidatos responsáveis!
Your right to vote is precious. Stay informed!
Votre vote est précieux. Rester informé!
Su derecho al voto es precioso.
Dwa ou pou vote se koute chè. Rete enfòme!
Seu direito de votar é precioso.
Defend your neighbor's right to vote!
Défendez le droit de vote de votre voisin!
¡Defiende tus derechos de voto!
Defann dwa vwazen ou!
Defenda os direitos de voto do seu vizinho!
Every election is determined by the people who show up.
Larry J. Sabato
Friend, it is no longer a secret that we live in an America that largely doesn't represent the interests of the American people, and our current situation is a result of a combination of various societal injustices--systemic and environmental racism, class warfare, voter suppression, voter apathy, and so on.
Make no mistake--this is a violation of our civil rights, and it continues brazenly before us today. It happens because we don't know enough about what's happening around us. It's on us to change this.
But enough is enough. It's time to put a stop to politically tone-deaf policies that continue to hold us back from prospering in this economy, one that should serve everyone in it, not just a privileged few.
You've heard this story before. Only you, reading this message, can change it. Register to vote as early as you can, and get involved!
Every vote counts. Every. Single. One. It's in your hands now. Take that first step above, and thank you for getting involved!
Don't ever let anyone trick you into thinking that your involvement in elections doesn't matter.
Voting is one of the most important things we can do to effect real change in our community. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas about voter registration, let him know. We'll work it out together.