Ricky believes in an America where every human being is entitled to the following inalienable rights:
Ricky envisions a nation where every individual is guaranteed these fundamental rights — an America that wholeheartedly embraces the equality of all, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexual preference, income level, genetic background, ability, birthplace, faith, or social and citizenship status. These rights aren’t just ideals; they’re the pillars of a just and inclusive society that Ricky champions.
The era of liberal democracy, or neoliberalism, has not delivered on its promises. Acknowledging this reality, Ricky advocates for a bold shift toward a more socially democratic framework on a global scale. He is dedicated to phasing out the outdated, divisive policies of laissez-faire economics, advocating for systemic change that gives power back to the people.
Ricky stands for a future beyond the constraints of capitalism — a future that's not just attainable, but necessary and forthcoming. Join Ricky in building a more egalitarian, democratic world, where prosperity is a shared experience, and empowerment is for everyone.
Ricky is proudly and undoubtedly:
Anti-colonialist; and
But there's more to a people's social movement than a mere list of beliefs.
Let's break it down.
Chapter 1: Justice For All
Chapter 2: Education For All
Chapter 3: Prosperity For All
Chapter 4: Health Care For All
Chapter 5: Nature For All
Chapter 6: Diplomacy For All
Chapter 7: Economics For All
Chapter 8: Citizenship For All
Chapter 9: Feminism For All
It's time for America to put people over profits.
A proud son of immigrants, Ricky believes that the U.S. must once again become a shining light of refuge in the world for all who seek peace. Pass THE AMERICAN DREAM ACT.
American academia needs our help. Americans need more education than what is being offered from K-12, and it's time to make higher education tuition-free for everyone.
Health care should not be a profit-driven industry, but a free and universally-available public U.S. service. No more half-measures; it's time for UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.
No matter the color of your skin, income level, linguistic proficiency, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation, you are entitled to equal justice. We must end systemic inequality.
It's time for an AMERICAN WORKERS' BILL OF RIGHTS. There is no valid reason why any American should ever have to struggle to afford housing, food, or an education.
Renewable energy is the future, and the powers that be fear that this will hurt their bottom line. We must respect and protect the earth, and it's time for a GREEN NEW DEAL.
THE AMERICAN DREAM ACT will finally establish a modernized, humane, just, and sensible immigration system for all those seeking to migrate to the United States.
AJA will modernize labor standards, infrastructure, and consumer protections; establish a federal living wage; and enshrine a WORKERS' BILL OF RIGHTS for all Americans.
THE ENFORCE ACT will end the War on Drugs, decriminalize recreational cannabis use, and significantly reform the U.S. criminal justice system from punition to social rehabilitation.
THE GREEN ACT will transition the U.S. into a renewable energy economy, ensuring a sustainable future and formalizing the Green new Deal's principles and policy objectives.
PHCA will establish a comprehensive, national universal health care system, remove profit from health care, and enshrine a HEALTH CARE BILL OF RIGHTS for all Americans.
THE SAFE ACT will systematically address the rising epidemic of gun-related violence and death in the United States while preserving rights enumerated in the Second Amendment.
THE VERB ACT will significantly modernize and reform election law in the United States, end voter suppression, and establish a VOTERS' BILL OF RIGHTS for all Americans.
THE STATE ACT will admit Puerto Rico*, Chamora, USVI, and the Douglass Commonwealth (D.C.) into the Union, finally fully enfranchising millions of U.S. citizens.
THE STOCK ACT will reign in Wall Street excess, taxing stock and cryptocurrency speculation, and ban members of Congress from enriching themselves with corruption.
THE TENANT ACT will significantly reform the way homeowners' associations conduct business, enshrine a NATIONAL TENANTS' BILL OF RIGHTS, and end landlord-rent theft.
In these confusing times we live in, this is a very fair question to ask. We must remember the movements of the past and apply their truths. When we are kept apart, we are weak.
When we organize, form collectives, and become a union of citizens determined to change the status quo, we become strong--stronger even than the very powers that want us to remain apart.
Organizing and showing solidarity with our neighbor is one of the most important things we can do, but there remains so much more to accomplish before achieving our shared vision.
We must unite. We must rise from the ashes of an oligarchic plutocracy to restore prosperity to the everyday American and stranger within our gates. We must remember that we are stronger together, never apart.
We must use our collective voices to demand change. We must refuse to be silenced. We must take action and make them remember where the real power lies--in the ballot box. They know this well.
Will you join us in this fight for a radically better tomorrow?
The choice is yours.